Vault Health started a men’s health company helping men overcome health issues as they age

Vault is now a health company focusing on consumer health, population health, and clinical trials. It's also the first company to provide an FDA authorized saliva based COVID-19 test.

The Survey: Are you a candidate?

The first step in a customers journey is to fill out a "Am I a candidate?" survey. We would ask questions about what health issues they're facing, their age, physical activity, and a few other personal questions. Unfortunately, the survey had some major points of drop off.

My first project was to figure out how to improve those drop off points

The two drop off points were the step where we ask for their zip, DoB, and email and the second was the treatment selection view, where customers select a number of treatment options based on their survey answers. I shared with the VP of Product a few hypotheses that I thought could help improve performance.

Hypothesis 1

Asking for so much personal information 

upfront scared off customers.

Hypothesis 3

Customers were confused by the pricing and overwhelming

 information in the treatment plan step. 

(some of which were unrelated to symptoms they input earlier in the flow)

Hypothesis 2

The survey didn’t feel personalized to the customer’s needs. 

We should add responses to questions they answer.

Hypothesis 4

Customers assumed they’ll be paying for treatment when presented with a credit card field.

Make it clear they’re not paying for treatment upfront.

What did we do to improve on these?

  • Added a personalized response to symptoms and how we can help screen

  • Trimmed the copy on treatment cards and only showed ones relevant to selected symptoms

  • Changed the credit card charge screen to be a free tele-health appointment that is held via a credit card

  • Added a question at the beginning of the survey to hone in on specifics earlier because we saw a lot of customers going through and leaving some symptoms unmarked.

  • We also upped our data presentation

    • We showed information about low testosterone

    • We showed commonalities for specific cohorts

  • We added a step that ask about the highest priority symptom the customer is looking to treat

  • We broke apart zip, email, and DoB questions

  • We added a follow up screen to zip that shows practitioners in the customer’s state of residence


After running some user tests over video calls, we shipped an A/B test. To start, we did a 25/75 split with 25% of customers seeing the new survey. The results after a week gave us good signals, so we bumped it to 50/50 and let it run for another two weeks.

At the end of those two weeks, the results showed a 30% increase in survey completions. To put this into perspective, prior to this experiment, 50% of all customers who completed and attended the tele-health appointment converted to paid customers. This was a massive win for the team.

Bonus Content

Since I was the only designer in the company while I was there, I also worked on brand and marketing design. Below is a mockup of packaging that eventually shipped after I left and an ad campaign I pitched but was rejected by Facebook and Twitter ads.

© ghanbak — now until forever

© ghanbak — now until forever

© ghanbak — now until forever